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Vitamin B12 & Vitamin D3

Vitamin B12 and D3 are very common deficiencies, especially in Colorado. Many of us have changed our diet and have not received the same amount of sunlight during the pandemic.

Vitamin B12 and D3 are very common deficiencies, especially in Colorado. Many of us have changed our diet and have not been receiving the same amount of sunlight during the pandemic. You may be deficient and not even know what you are missing. We can help you with our diagnostic testing and the replacement of D3 and B12.

B-12 is present in many food sources (mainly animal-based), where it is bound to the protein molecules in that food. Vitamin B-12 is separated from the protein during digestion and is absorbed into the bloodstream. Adequate stomach acid is required to release the vitamin from the protein, and a substance called intrinsic factor is necessary to ensure its absorption. People who are unable to absorb vitamin B-12 properly may have pernicious anemia which is a type of anemia characterized by a lack of intrinsic factors.

In addition to getting B-12 from food sources, it is possible to acquire B-12 through a man-made version of the nutrient, known as cyanocobalamin. Vitamin B-12 shots are injections containing high levels of cyanocobalamin. These shots, which can be self-administered or given by a doctor, can quickly boost B-12 levels in someone who is deficient.B-12 is an essential water-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in many functions in the body, including:

• DNA synthesis
• energy production
• nerve cell health
• red blood cell formation
• neurological function

Vitamin D is essential for strong bones because it helps the body use calcium from the diet. Traditionally, vitamin D deficiency has been associated with rickets, a disease in which the bone tissue doesn’t properly mineralize, leading to soft bones and skeletal deformities. But increasingly, research is revealing the importance of vitamin D in protecting against a host of health problems. Colorado has one of the highest rates of Vitamin D deficiencies in the country because of the elevation. Symptoms of bone pain and muscle weakness can mean you have a vitamin D deficiency. However, for many people, the symptoms are subtle. If you are on a plant-based diet you are more likely to have a deficiency, or if you have been working from home. Vitamin D3 shots are dosed once a month.

Formulations – Intramuscular Injection (IM) (10 Month Supply)

  • $159 - Lipo-MIC + mB12 (Methionine 15mg, Inositol 50mg, Choline 50mg, Methylcobalamin 1000mcg) Injectable [10mL] - Dosing 1ml IM monthly

  • $159 - Cholecalciferol (D3) 100,000 units/ml 10ml vial – Dosing 1ml IM monthly

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